Community Spotlight

"You will always be able to add value to a project, meeting, or team. No one is the expert at everything, and diversity of ideas and thought is more valuable. You belong wherever you are; figure the rest out as you go."

Samuel Wolf ݀݀• Information Security Engineer/Leader • Principal Financial Group • Pi515 Mentor & Volunteer

Within our community lies talent, experience, wisdom and inspiration. Pi515’s Community Spotlight is a blog segment dedicated to highlighting exemplary individuals within our community, as well as encouraging and empowering youth to explore their professional potential and interests. 

How have you built confidence and resilience throughout your career?

Trial and Error. Personally and professionally across careers, companies, titles, and tasks. That paired with passion, mentorship, grit, and perseverance. 

What advice would you give young adults when it comes to navigating imposter syndrome and perfectionism?

You will always be able to add value to a project, meeting, or team. No one is the expert at everything, and diversity of ideas and thought is more valuable. You belong wherever you are; figure the rest out as you go.  No one is perfect, and your time is more valuable. Look up the 80/20 rule.

What advice would you give to the next generation of leaders?

Find your purpose and help guide others to theirs. There are so many things to do and achieve in this world, but happiness is the most important. 

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